Discover the one word we truly hate… and you’ll discover our essence!
We absolutely love words. They possess so much power for transformation, as well for people as for businesses. Nevertheless, there’s one word we truly hate at Coil Partners…. stagnation .
It appears to be absent in the minds of all our employees, in the hearts of our board members and in the life of everyone contributing to our activities. The result? We grow, we move on, we expand. Even in such a strong way that today we are proud to announce our next milestone in our history: we start developing and producing stators ourselves.
Learn all about it in this newsletter!
Have fun reading,
the Coil Partners’ team
A new building for a new activity: STATORS!

The close relationship with our customers sometimes leads us towards new and challenging opportunities. Hardly halfway 2022 we proudly announce you that we’re starting up a whole new branch in our offering: the developing and production of stators.
Untill now we’ve always manufactured the coils that were needed to fit into stators. As from today we’ll be manufacturing the entire stator itself. Why? Because a European customer asked us to do so and we were already thinking about offering that kind of service to our existing OEM-customers.
As we speak, we are building a new wing at our site in Istanbul, that will serve as the brand-new production area for stators. As always, we want to do things professionally to be able to deliver the quality we are well-known for.
Take a look at this massive order of 150 traction pole coils
Producing pole coils for traction motors is a very delicate process. The biggest challenge we face while manufacturing this type of coil is the machining of the pole. Luckily, Moulding Partners, our latest joint-venture, knows all about it and offers us know-how and support whenever we need it. Thanks to the in-house and state-of-the-art expertise we follow-up the process from A to Z.
These are the crucial steps while manufacturing traction pole coils:
• Edge bending with the machine
• No welding points except the leads
• Special leads design
• Machining after curing process
• Special (C class) insulation system
• Very strict tolerances
Coil Partners goes green
Entrepreneurship of the future cannot exist without care for our beautiful blue planet. At Coil Partners ecological actions have always been close at our hearts. That’s why, shortly after moving to our new premises, we’ve had nothing less than 2000 m² of solar panels installed at our roof tops. Together they produce 400 kVA of power that we’ll use for our production. Seeing the prices of energy rising, we’re even more convinced that solar energy is the right path to follow.
