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Industry news

Looking for tendencies, news and movement from the sector we’re doing business in?

We’ll keep you posted with information from our in-depth expert Frederic Beghain, General Manager at EASA Europe, Asia, Africa Chapter.

We took him along on a SWOT-path and asked him what the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in our sector are. Today he’ll tell you all about the strengths. 


Let’s start with the good news.

 Continue reading and discover which strengths Frederic Beghain highlights and why!

 Building on the past towards the future

Businesses active in high voltage electrical equipment have built a legacy in knowhow and technical experience. Nothing offers them more strength while keeping their minds open and their eyes on the future. That future will be characterized by electrification. Please note that this storm towards electricity not only involves electric cars, but also the electrification of other transportation and the developments in new technologies, like AI.


Today electricity takes up 23% of the energy mix in Europe. By 2050 that number will rise to 50%. Electricity is the energy of the future. Why? Because it is reliable and precise. So, all businesses involved in the field of generating energy and all their suppliers have great views for the future. Unique knowhow is an absolute strength.


Collecting data creates insights


A second strength our industry can be proud of is the growing understanding of machinery and equipment. Thanks to new technology and more measurements we now better understand how machines and processes operate. By doing so, we are able to optimize them. Targeted investments and consultancy based on data make our activities sustainable. Apart from repairing and recycling machines, we now also can advise customers perfectly on any optimization and its results.


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